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Welcome to the Lightning Shield documentation!

You can enjoy simple electronics engineering with Lightning Network protocol

Index> Raspberry Pi

SD card

RaspbianOS + Lightning Shield for Arduino modules

1. Download a SD image file

2. unzip

unzip downloaded file.

3. Write the image to the SD card

Please refere to how to write a SD card image

4. Turn the power on

Before turning on the power, insert the SD card into the Raspberry Pi combined with the Lightning Shield.

After that, supply power through USB/AC adapter/micro-B USB and turn on the power! Do not worry about the first boot, it takes about a few minutes to show the first display.

Be careful!!
If you are using an Arduino, make sure that the programs written on the Arduino do not damage the Lightning Shield(pin 0, 1, 4).
Please check your program before power on.


The first boot video can help you!

first boot

WiFi setting and CLIENT mode

1. First, AP mode starts


2. Connect your phone/PC to Raspberry Pi via Wi-Fi


no Internet

3. Open Browser


4. Menu: Device > WiFi Settings


5. Set WiFi SSID/PASS that you want to connect to (your home, office, …)

6. Menu: Device > Reboot > Change Client Mode


7. Raspberry Pi reboots with CLIENT mode


8. CLIENT mode starts


9. Done!

You can open the URL displayed IP address.


Partial Update

If you install v0.1.1 or newer, you can use “Partial Update” method.
This is experimental.

  1. Download RPI_SWUPDATE.
  2. copy RPI_SWUPDATE to SDcard boot partition. copy
  3. insert SDcard to Raspberry Pi.
  4. power on Raspberry Pi and wait Lightning Shield LED turn on.
  5. Press both Lightning Shield buttons in 3 seconds.
  6. Release buttons if displaying “SW Update!”.
  7. After update, Lightning Shield start automatically.

partial update


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